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          CleanWet&Cling™ White Window Cling - Just clean your smooth surface, get it wet and cling your Full Color White Window Cling on the surface.

          Static window cling uses static to hold the decal firmly in place, do not require any adhesive and leaves no residue. With proper handling you can move your cling over and over. Ideal for store signage on glass or other very smooth surfaces.

          Many of our window clings can work outside - if that is your plan, please let us know. If you are using a window for your cling to be viewed from outside, it is possible to print in reverse and use the cling on the inside. Either way our large format clings use UV safe inks.

          NOTE: As long as your clings are the same size, some of our clings allow for grouping different arts to get the quantity discount. For example, if your order is for 5 18x24's clings, you can get 3 of one type, 1 of a second type and 1 of a third type. Please look for notes associated with appropriate tables below.


2.3, 4 & 8 Mil White Static Cling
2 Sided White Static Cling
Digital White & Clear Static Cling
2.3, 4 & 8 Mil Clear Static Cling

2.3, 4 & 8 Mil White Cling

CleanWet&Cling™ White Window & Smooth Surface Full Color Cling Material - 2.3 Mil, 4 Mil & 8 Mil White
Our 2.3, 4 & 8 mil white window cling originate from San Diego, San Jose, Los Angeles and San Francisco and ships everywhere.
We don't mark up shipping, please call 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com

4 mil white window cling originating from Los Angeles & Las Vegas.
NOTE: As long as your clings are the same size, you can group different arts and get the quantity discount.
ft. x ft. 1 sign 2 signs 5 signs 10 signs 20 signs 25 signs 30 signs 40 signs 50 signs
2x1 $39 $43 $240 $240 $240 $240 $240 $240 $240
3x1 $41 $47 $64 $94 $152 $181 $211 $269 $328
1.5x2 $41 $47 $64 $94 $152 $181 $211 $269 $328
4x1 $43 $51 $74 $113 $191 $230 $269 $347 $384
2x2 $43 $51 $74 $113 $191 $230 $269 $347 $384
6x1 $47 $58 $94 $152 $269 $328 $386 $461 $576
3x2 $47 $58 $94 $152 $269 $328 $386 $461 $576
4x2 $51 $66 $113 $191 $347 $384 $461 $614 $756
3x3 $53 $70 $123 $211 $386 $432 $518 $680 $851
5x2 $55 $74 $133 $230 $384 $480 $576 $756 $945
6x2 $58 $82 $152 $269 $461 $576 $680 $907 $1,134
4x3 $58 $82 $152 $269 $461 $576 $680 $907 $1,134
5x3 $64 $94 $181 $328 $576 $709 $851 $1,134 $1,418
4x4 $66 $97 $191 $347 $614 $756 $907 $1,210 $1,512
5x4 $74 $3 $230 $384 $756 $945 $1,134 $1,512 $1,890
7x3 $76 $117 $240 $403 $794 $992 $1,191 $1,588 $1,985
8x4 $97 $160 $347 $614 $1,210 $1,512 $1,814 $2,419 $2,976
other sizes and quantities available, inquire to 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com

8 mil white window cling originating from the San Francisco area.
ft. x ft. 1 sign 2 signs 5 signs 10 signs 20 signs 25 signs 30 signs 40 signs 50 signs
2x1 $43 $51 $60 $77 $154 $192 $230 $307 $384
3x1 $47 $58 $60 $115 $230 $288 $346 $461 $567
1.5x2 $47 $58 $60 $115 $230 $288 $346 $461 $567
4x1 $51 $66 $60 $154 $307 $384 $461 $605 $756
2x2 $51 $66 $60 $154 $307 $384 $461 $605 $756
6x1 $58 $82 $60 $230 $461 $576 $680 $907 $1,134
3x2 $58 $82 $60 $230 $461 $576 $680 $907 $1,134
4x2 $66 $97 $60 $307 $614 $756 $907 $1,210 $1,512
3x3 $70 $105 $60 $346 $680 $851 $1,021 $1,361 $1,701
5x2 $74 $113 $60 $384 $756 $945 $1,134 $1,512 $1,890
6x2 $82 $129 $60 $461 $907 $1,134 $1,361 $1,814 $2,268
4x3 $82 $129 $60 $461 $907 $1,134 $1,361 $1,814 $2,268
5x3 $94 $152 $60 $576 $1,134 $1,418 $1,701 $2,268 $2,790
4x4 $97 $160 $60 $614 $1,210 $1,512 $1,814 $2,419 $2,976
5x4 $113 $191 $384 $756 $1,512 $1,890 $2,268 $2,976 $3,720
7x3 $117 $199 $403 $794 $1,588 $1,985 $2,381 $3,125 $3,906
8x4 $160 $285 $614 $1,210 $2,419 $2,976 $3,571 $4,762 $5,952
other sizes and quantities available, inquire to 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com

2.3 mil white window cling originating from the San Diego or San Jose area.
ft. x ft. 1 sign 2 signs 5 signs 10 signs 20 signs 25 signs 30 signs 40 signs 50 signs
2x1 $40 $45 $59 $83 $132 $156 $180 $228 $277
3x1 $42 $50 $71 $108 $180 $216 $253 $325 $398
1.5x2 $42 $50 $71 $108 $180 $216 $253 $325 $398
4x1 $45 $54 $83 $132 $228 $277 $325 $422 $476
2x2 $45 $54 $83 $132 $228 $277 $325 $422 $476
6x1 $50 $64 $108 $180 $325 $398 $429 $571 $703
3x2 $50 $64 $108 $180 $325 $398 $429 $571 $703
4x2 $54 $74 $132 $228 $422 $476 $571 $750 $937
3x3 $57 $79 $144 $253 $429 $536 $633 $844 $1,055
5x2 $59 $83 $156 $277 $476 $595 $703 $937 $1,172
6x2 $64 $93 $180 $325 $571 $703 $844 $1,125 $1,406
4x3 $64 $93 $180 $325 $571 $703 $844 $1,125 $1,406
5x3 $71 $108 $216 $398 $703 $879 $1,055 $1,406 $1,758
4x4 $74 $112 $228 $422 $750 $937 $1,125 $1,500 $1,875
5x4 $83 $132 $277 $476 $937 $1,172 $1,406 $1,875 $2,344
7x3 $86 $137 $289 $500 $984 $1,230 $1,476 $1,969 $2,461
8x4 $112 $190 $422 $762 $1,500 $1,875 $2,250 $2,952 $3,690
other sizes and quantities available, inquire to 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com

Two Sided White Cling

CleanWet&Cling™ DualView White Static Cling Printed in Full Color on One Side or Two
Our DualView white window cling originate from Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago, Phoenix and Las Vegas and ships
everywhere. We don't mark up shipping, please call 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com

Two sided white window cling originating from theCleveland, Detroit, Chicago, Phoenix and Las Vegas area.
NOTE: As long as your clings are the same size, you can group different arts and get the quantity discount.
ft. x ft. 1 sign 2 signs 5 signs 10 signs 20 signs 25 signs 30 signs 40 signs 50 signs
2x1 $48 $61 $100 $165 $294 $359 $424 $511 $639
3x1 $54 $74 $132 $230 $424 $479 $575 $754 $943
1.5x2 $54 $74 $132 $230 $424 $479 $575 $754 $943
4x1 $61 $87 $165 $294 $511 $639 $754 $1,006 $1,257
2x2 $61 $87 $165 $294 $511 $639 $754 $1,006 $1,257
6x1 $74 $113 $230 $424 $754 $943 $1,132 $1,509 $1,886
3x2 $74 $113 $230 $424 $754 $943 $1,132 $1,509 $1,886
4x2 $87 $139 $294 $511 $1,006 $1,257 $1,509 $2,012 $2,515
3x3 $93 $152 $327 $575 $1,132 $1,415 $1,698 $2,263 $2,784
5x2 $100 $165 $359 $639 $1,257 $1,572 $1,886 $2,515 $3,094
6x2 $113 $191 $424 $754 $1,509 $1,886 $2,263 $2,970 $3,713
4x3 $113 $191 $424 $754 $1,509 $1,886 $2,263 $2,970 $3,713
5x3 $132 $230 $479 $943 $1,886 $2,358 $2,784 $3,713 $4,641
4x4 $139 $243 $511 $1,006 $2,012 $2,515 $2,970 $3,960 $4,950
5x4 $165 $294 $639 $1,257 $2,515 $3,094 $3,713 $4,950 $6,188
7x3 $171 $307 $660 $1,320 $2,599 $3,248 $3,898 $5,198 $6,497
8x4 $243 $409 $1,006 $2,012 $3,960 $4,950 $5,940 $7,920 $9,900
other sizes and quantities available, inquire to 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com

Digital White & Clear Cling

CleanWet&Cling™ Window & Smooth Surface Full Color Cling Material - Digital Clear and Digital White
A great promotional tool for your storefront, vehicles, and any other place you can think to stick it, this opaque white
vinyl-base cling is easy to adhere and reusable. Zero split, 8mil white vinyl on 8pt liner

Our digital window cling originates from Toronto and ships everywhere. We don't mark up shipping, please call
216.227.8521 or email us for a quote.

25 50 75 100 250 500 750 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
white, clear or clear with reverse image
2x3.5 $100 $105 $110 $114 $131 $159 $204 $218 $341 $417 $534 $631
3.5x8.5 $120 $133 $143 $149 $222 $341 $442 $534 $982 $1,443 $1,901 $2,355
4x6 $120 $129 $140 $152 $220 $341 $442 $526 $964 $1,431 $1,889 $2,355
5.5x8.5 $131 $139 $164 $174 $281 $415 $626 $750 $1,435 $2,123 $2,768 $3,446
8.5x11 $204 $217 $230 $246 $412 $748 $1,160 $1,423 $2,515 $3,687 $4,894 $6,102
11x17 $295 $325 $367 $398 $775 $1,481 $2,325 $2,846 $4,867 $7,310 $9,724 $12,138

Change a flat smooth clean surfaces into a way to get your customer's message across to their clients.
Static Cling Stock Opaque(white), Static Cling Stock Transparent

Perfect for windows and flat surfaces to showcase your message to the audience. These are fully customizable and come
in clear and opaque stocks. Clings only cling on unprinted side. If you would like the clings to cling from inside and display
outside select transparent cling stock and invert your image.

2.3, 4 & 8 Mil Clear Cling

CleanWet&Cling™ Window & Smooth Surface Full Color Cling Material - 2.3 Mil, 4 Mil & 8 Mil Clear
Our 2.3, 4 & 8 mil clear window cling originate from San Diego, San Jose, Los Angeles and San Francisco and ships everywhere.
We don't mark up shipping, please call 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com

2.3 mil clear window cling originating from the San Diego or San Jose area.
ft. x ft. 1 sign 2 signs 5 signs 10 signs 20 signs 25 signs 30 signs 40 signs 50 signs
2x1 $40 $45 $59 $83 $132 $156 $180 $228 $277
3x1 $42 $50 $71 $108 $180 $216 $253 $325 $398
1.5x2 $42 $50 $71 $108 $180 $216 $253 $325 $398
4x1 $45 $54 $83 $132 $228 $277 $325 $422 $476
2x2 $45 $54 $83 $132 $228 $277 $325 $422 $476
6x1 $50 $64 $108 $180 $325 $398 $429 $571 $703
3x2 $50 $64 $108 $180 $325 $398 $429 $571 $703
4x2 $54 $74 $132 $228 $422 $476 $571 $750 $937
3x3 $57 $79 $144 $253 $429 $536 $633 $844 $1,038
5x2 $59 $83 $156 $277 $476 $595 $703 $937 $1,153
6x2 $64 $93 $180 $325 $571 $703 $844 $1,107 $1,384
4x3 $64 $93 $180 $325 $571 $703 $844 $1,107 $1,384
5x3 $71 $108 $216 $398 $703 $879 $1,038 $1,384 $1,730
4x4 $74 $112 $228 $422 $750 $937 $1,107 $1,476 $1,845
5x4 $83 $132 $277 $476 $937 $1,153 $1,384 $1,845 $2,306
7x3 $86 $137 $289 $500 $984 $1,211 $1,453 $1,937 $2,422
8x4 $112 $190 $422 $750 $1,476 $1,845 $2,214 $2,952 $3,690
other sizes and quantities available, inquire to 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com

8 mil clear window cling originating from the San Francisco area.
ft. x ft. 1 sign 2 signs 5 signs 10 signs 20 signs 25 signs 30 signs 40 signs 50 signs
2x1 $43 $51 $74 $113 $191 $230 $269 $347 $384
3x1 $47 $58 $94 $152 $269 $328 $386 $461 $576
1.5x2 $47 $58 $94 $152 $269 $328 $386 $461 $576
4x1 $51 $66 $113 $191 $347 $384 $461 $614 $756
2x2 $51 $66 $113 $191 $347 $384 $461 $614 $756
6x1 $58 $82 $152 $269 $461 $576 $680 $907 $1,116
3x2 $58 $82 $152 $269 $461 $576 $680 $907 $1,116
4x2 $66 $97 $191 $347 $614 $756 $907 $1,190 $1,488
3x3 $70 $105 $211 $386 $680 $851 $1,004 $1,339 $1,674
5x2 $74 $113 $230 $384 $756 $945 $1,116 $1,488 $1,860
6x2 $82 $129 $269 $461 $907 $1,116 $1,339 $1,786 $2,232
4x3 $82 $129 $269 $461 $907 $1,116 $1,339 $1,786 $2,232
5x3 $94 $152 $328 $576 $1,116 $1,395 $1,674 $2,232 $2,790
4x4 $97 $160 $347 $614 $1,190 $1,488 $1,786 $2,381 $2,976
5x4 $113 $191 $384 $756 $1,488 $1,860 $2,232 $2,976 $3,720
7x3 $117 $199 $403 $794 $1,562 $1,953 $2,344 $3,125 $3,906
8x4 $160 $285 $614
$2,381 $2,976 $3,571 $4,762 $5,952
other sizes and quantities available, inquire to 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com

4 mil clear window cling originating from Las Vegas & Los Angeles.
NOTE: As long as your clings are the same size, you can group different arts and get the quantity discount.
ft. x ft. 1 sign 2 signs 5 signs 10 signs 20 signs 25 signs 30 signs 40 signs 50 signs
2x1 $44 $53 $81 $126 $217 $263 $308 $399 $448
3x1 $49 $62 $103 $172 $308 $376 $403 $538 $662
1.5x2 $49 $62 $103 $172 $308 $376 $403 $538 $662
4x1 $53 $71 $126 $217 $399 $448 $538 $706 $882
2x2 $53 $71 $126 $217 $399 $448 $538 $706 $882
6x1 $62 $90 $172 $308 $538 $662 $794 $1,058 $1,323
3x2 $62 $90 $172 $308 $538 $662 $794 $1,058 $1,323
4x2 $71 $108 $217 $399 $706 $882 $1,058 $1,411 $1,764
3x3 $76 $117 $240 $403 $794 $992 $1,191 $1,588 $1,985
5x2 $81 $126 $263 $448 $882 $1,103 $1,323 $1,764 $2,205
6x2 $90 $144 $308 $538 $1,058 $1,323 $1,588 $2,117 $2,604
4x3 $90 $144 $308 $538 $1,058 $1,323 $1,588 $2,117 $2,604
5x3 $103 $172 $376 $662 $1,323 $1,654 $1,985 $2,604 $3,255
4x4 $108 $181 $399 $706 $1,411 $1,764 $2,117 $2,778 $3,472
5x4 $126 $217 $448 $882 $1,764 $2,205 $2,604 $3,472 $4,340
7x3 $131 $226 $470 $926 $1,852 $2,315 $2,734 $3,646 $4,557
8x4 $181 $326 $717 $1,411 $2,778 $3,472 $4,166 $5,555 $6,944
other sizes and quantities available, inquire to 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com

4 mil reverse clear window cling (with white flood print) originating from the San Diego or San Jose area.
ft. x ft. 1 sign 2 signs 5 signs 10 signs 20 signs 25 signs 30 signs 40 signs 50 signs
2x1 $48 $61 $100 $165 $295 $360 $384 $512 $630
3x1 $55 $74 $133 $230 $384 $480 $576 $756 $945
1.5x2 $55 $74 $133 $230 $384 $480 $576 $756 $945
4x1 $61 $87 $165 $295 $512 $630 $756 $1,008 $1,260
2x2 $61 $87 $165 $295 $512 $630 $756 $1,008 $1,260
6x1 $74 $113 $230 $384 $756 $945 $1,134 $1,512 $1,890
3x2 $74 $113 $230 $384 $756 $945 $1,134 $1,512 $1,890
4x2 $87 $139 $295 $512 $1,008 $1,260 $1,512 $2,016 $2,480
3x3 $94 $152 $328 $576 $1,134 $1,418 $1,701 $2,268 $2,790
5x2 $100 $165 $360 $630 $1,260 $1,575 $1,890 $2,480 $3,100
6x2 $113 $191 $384 $756 $1,512 $1,890 $2,268 $2,976 $3,720
4x3 $113 $191 $384 $756 $1,512 $1,890 $2,268 $2,976 $3,720
5x3 $133 $230 $480 $945 $1,890 $2,363 $2,790 $3,720 $4,650
4x4 $139 $243 $512 $1,008 $2,016 $2,480 $2,976 $3,968 $4,960
5x4 $165 $295 $630 $1,260 $2,480 $3,100 $3,720 $4,960 $6,200
7x3 $172 $308 $662 $1,323 $2,604 $3,255 $3,906 $5,208 $6,510
8x4 $243 $433 $1,008 $2,016 $3,968 $4,960 $5,952 $7,936 $9,920
other sizes and quantities available, inquire to 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com